When being bad .......... feels sooo good!


Crossing Over

My palms are sweating
My heart is beating fast
My stomach is knotted in fear
i stand looking across the road to
The doorway that leads me, to the place i long to go

i'm dressed vanilla
Hair and make-up done
Respectable to the eye
i stand looking across the road to
The smoked filled room, laughter enticing me in

i take a deep breath
Look left and then right
There's no turning back for me now
i start to walk across that road to
A new start a new life, no longer alone

Through glazed eyes i stare
As the door opens wide
The warm smile greets me
Did I do right to cross that road? to
A life of a submissive, learning life anew.

So many new names
So many new faces
But all smile back at me
In the room i crossed over to
A place with no blame, just understanding

i have found a place
i have found a life
i have found others like me
i crossed a road and found myself
in a world of acceptance, respect and love

author unknown from Dsculture

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Tia - aka Brat,Flirteegirl (collarme and fetlife)

Kevin - aka Master, Sir_Kir (felife)