When being bad .......... feels sooo good!



Click -- it's a gentle sound
Baptized in fire and blood
the chain is placed around a neck

Click -- it's a quiet sound
A metal bar placed through the ends of the chain
locks itself in place inside a metal box

Click -- it's an anxious sound
Heard only by two, one standing, one kneeling
their worlds will be forever changed

Click -- it's a calming sound
Two souls come together, binding completely, becoming one
united by a total and unrelenting trust

Click -- one becomes owner, one becomes owned
One accepts the ultimate in responsibility
taking total control of another's body and soul

Click -- one becomes keeper, one gives away all
One freely and willingly without any question
gives every fiber of his being in submission to the other

Click -- two come together, two become one
Melting together in a love so complete
it's impossible to tell what part came from which

Click -- two lives join, intertwined as one
As one becomes Master
and one becomes slave.

           (c) 1996 bob harris

Here you will find pictures of collars I have made for clients and even some that are ready for you to personalize.

Day collars, formal collars, collar sets, eleborate collars, simple collars and fun collars!

This is all about your own expression and your unique relationship!

Add rivets and gems and chains and jewels and eyelets ... the list goes on and on!!

If you have a picture, it is best. And feel free to watch me make YOUR collar for you via collarme.com!

Please go the CONTACT US page to place your order.

Collars and their colours:

This is not to say you can't do as you wish! A silver/gold chain can mean just as much to a slave as the traditional leather collar! Perhaps job or family restraints will not allow for the big collar! However; should you choose, here is a list of the traditional colours used.

Collar of Consideration           BLUE

Collar of Protection               WHITE

Collar of Mentorship               GREY

Collar for the Baby          PINK/BLUE

Collar of Ownership              BLACK 

[email protected]